Junior Chefs

*Due to our schedule with our regularly held classes + Andiamolinda trips - we are no longer offering these classes at this time.
However - please stay tuned for future offerings!

We don’t have any products to show here right now.

"As we design our classes we strive to offer healthy, creative, delicious and fun recipes for your child's enjoyment. WE AVOID THE USE OF ANYTHING THAT HAS BEEN PROCESSED AND FIND HEALTHY ALTERNATIVES TO THESE CHOICES. In addition to this, we try to include some foods your child may not have encountered in order to expand and develop their palates. For instance, the addition of jicama or papaya in some cases may present an unfamiliar or strange choice for them. In these cases, we try to teach them about the origins and use of these foods.
We have heard many times "Wow, I didn't think I would like that but it's really good"! and WE ENCOURAGE THEM TO TRY SOMETHING NEW.
We believe there is nothing healthier than learning to cook and nothing that provides more satisfaction to others and to yourself than creating something wonderful to eat. We are honored to have the privilege of guiding your child to begin to discover the world of the culinary arts and the inherent benefits of this knowledge. Bon appetite!"
- Rae and Linda